Monday, 19 April 2010

God, Controller of the Wind!

Dear Father Lord
Thank you for the confidence I have in you
Thank you for being so real to me that I KNOW
That V-Ash or N V-Ash, I am going home on Saturday
Yes, by YOUR GRACE and this is cos YOU OWN the winds
You own the clouds, you command the winds and so
I know, Lord, Most High, Most Merciful that
You will command the airways to be clear so that
I your daughter can go home to the family that
You have given me
On Saturday
Not a day early
Not a day late
Just right on time and that is why
I praise you!
Thank you for you.
For Being the Controller of the winds!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Breathing in Jesus

Deep Breathe in....More of you Jesus please....exhale out....Less of me, I must die...breath in....More Jesus....and Out....less me, less self.
I must decrease and you Lord, must increase.
With every breathe I take in O Lord, let me suck in more of you into my being
With every outward breathe, let me, old me, old self, old man, go out.
In Jesus name, I pray