Friday, 13 March 2009

For My Coworkers

Dear Heavenly Father and The best boss in the world

I thank you today for all the people I work with. My bosses, my supervisor, my colleagues.
I thank you that you have provided them with a source of livelihood
I thank you that you have kept them alive to this point. Taking them to and from work every day.
I thank you for their families; their wives, children, parents, siblings.
Lord to you be all the glory for showing yourself strong on their behalves
Accept my thanks in Jesus Name. Amen!

In spite of all that is going on in the economy, help people to set their mind on those things that please you. Those things that are above and not on the matter of this earth. Help them to realise that you are the Lord of All the earth and that you control all the affairs of men. Let them remember that you are the God that provides harvest in the time of famine. You are the God that can call something out of nothing. If we set our minds on you, we will not be ashamed. Lord, cause a hunger to rise up in my co workers for you.

To be able to wake up and come to work is not as easy as some think. God, it takes you to build in that sense of responsibility into your children. Lord, continue to do so in Jesus Christ's name.
Lord prosper the works of the hands of your children.
Lord help all the people I work with so that they can excel. Let them always be ahead and not beneath. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen!

Let them all be safe in the work place. In the office and in the other locations. Help us all to really display emotional intelligence when it is required. Help all my co workers to love their neighbours as they love themselves. Help people to see that this job is not the end all and be all of their existence. Yes it is important but work should not be the number 1 priority in a person's life. Help all the people I work with O Lord that they may have work life balance in Jesus Christ's name. Amen! Let your Holy Spirit be their helper always.

Father as I end this prayer I thank you and I praise you for you have given us all the power to make wealth. Lord from the gains we make in the work place. As we go about our daily duties, help me and my co workers to remember that you are our number one employer. That we are your co-labourers. Our work place is our field and that you expect that we will do you work - win souls - even as we go about our work. Help us Lord to do this. In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.

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