Sunday, 8 March 2009

I need Restoration!

Dear Lord of all Restoration

I am so glad to have you as my God and my Dad. Thank you for who you are and what you do. For being the Alpha and the Omega. For knowing the end from the beginning. For being Almighty God, King of Heaven. I praise your Holy Name and I appreciate the fact that I can call on you, the great I AM.

Today O Lord, I really need you as the I AM, that is The Restorer. I am not saying that I am not blessed for indeed you have been good to me Lord. It is just that I also sense in my heart that I have lost some of the blessings you planned for my along the way. I feel that I should be somewhere else other than where I am today. But I thank you cos that does not matter. You hold the times in your Hands and can reverse the irreversible. Father in Heaven have mercy on me today and restore unto me:

My lost spiritual connection with you. Take me back to that place where I belong
My lost health and eyesight
My lost opportunities to witness to your people. To win souls.
My lost financial blessings and misspent monies

Lord, all I am asking is that today, as you promised in the Book of Joel, you will restore all that the cankerworm and the locust have stolen from me and my family. Turn again the captivity of my family. Let us be like them that dreamed dreams when we look back at where we are coming from. Let our mouths be filled with laughter and our tongues with singing as we listen and hear the people say

'Indeed the Lord has done great things for them....'

And Yes, Lord, we will be glad.

Thank you Lord for your listening ear. Thank you for always being there.
Thank you for I know you have already answered my prayers cos I have prayed to you in the name of your Son, my Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!

So it is and so shall it be done!

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