Thursday, 23 April 2009

My Sister, L Needs Your Divine Touch!

My Jehovah Rophe, My Lord and Father

I like bringing cases like this to you Lord
Cos you thrive on showing your children what you can do
I trust you and I know that you are ABLE anytime anyday.
My sista-friend, L, just sent me a message on my FB
She says she has a growth in her body
Lord, I know you did not plant that in her body
So, in Jesus Christ's name, let that growth be uprooted by your power
Burnt by your fire and cast into the pit where it belongs. Amen!

Lord, your Son, Jesus Christ died on the cross so that we might
have abundant health in all parts of our bodies.
Going to the loo every 2 hours cannot be abundant health.
So Lord, I am calling on you in your son, my Redeemers' name
In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask that L's health be restored 100% on account
of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. He died on the cross to give us complete health. And that complete health is L's NOW! In Jesus Christ's name! Amen!

Lord, you are the great Physician. Any doctor here on earth is your trainee.
No matter the level, no matter the qualifications, They know only what you reveal to them. So Lord, I put L's doctors and nurses and anyone who will have anything to do with her body. Anyone who will touch her. I place them under your divine tutelage and guidance. They will only serve as your hands in this matter. Regardless of their own faiths or what they believe, you will teleguide them from on high. They will do only which you prompt them to do. Lord, open their eyes and minds to see that which needs to be seen in this matter.

At the end of the day O lord, I know your name will be glorified.
I thank you for your daughter's heart. She is tough and confident in you. That is good. Father keep her that way cos it is only by your grace. Keep her heart and her husband's heart stayed on you now and always. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen!

I declare that all glory and honour and praise belong to you O LORD most HIGH!

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