Saturday, 29 December 2012

I Am Tired To My Bones

I am tired to my bones
But thank you Lord cos I have bones and they are not broken
Not one

I am covered in sweat and grime
But thank you Lord cos the home I have been cleaning is mine
All mine

My back hurts and I think my feet are swollen
But thank you Lord cos it felt good to clean my house my way
All day

My hair is still a mess and my nails even worse
But O Lord, thank you for the hope of tomorrow. As long as you give me life. I can fix all that. Tomorrow

My 2012 was not really as I wanted it to be.
But then again, my 2012 was much more than I thought it would be. So thank you for amazing me. Still.

My children still get on my nerves sometimes.
But, come on, Lord, thank you, I HAVE children to grate on my nerves.
To love

My mgm and I are in  love/strangle relationship
But thank you PapaGod for our love trumps our desire to strangle each and every time!
All the time

I have not seen my sister and my brother in way too long and it hurts and I miss them
But then again, I feel them daily in my heart and that is closer than any plane ride can get me!
And it's free

*sighing and exhaling* Dear Fathermine, I am so tired, tired to my bones, even in some parts of my heart. YET, there is room, always room for thanks.
To You.

Yes, I am tired. To my bones
But I still have enough left in me to DARE TO BELIEVE  that what is behind me cannot hold a light to what is before me in 2013! And that is balm for my tired bones!

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